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How to clean Large Drainage Odor-proof Floor Drain?


A drain is a fixed drainage outlet on the floor or wall of a room. In-house decoration, drains are usually installed in areas with high humidity, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms, to prevent accumulation of water and facilitate drainage. It is important to ensure that drains are sealed and free from dirt to maintain hygiene and safety. To clean Large Drainage Odor-proof Floor Drain, follow these steps:

Use special tools or gloves to remove the drain cover. For screws-fixed drain covers, use a screwdriver or wrench to loosen them.Use a brush and clean water to remove dirt and grime inside the drain.Check the drain for garbage, hair, or other residues, and use tools like tongs or shovels to clean them out.Use a deodorizing agent to clean the drain. You may use some antibacterial cleaning agents like bleach powder or Blue Bubble.Reinstall the drain cover, ensuring it is securely fixed.It is important to avoid using overly strong tools or chemicals that may damage drains when cleaning Large Drainage Odor-proof Floor Drain. Any garbage or odors generated during the cleaning process should be removed promptly to avoid affecting the use of the drain.

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